المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : دورة Cash flow in projects لعام 2016


مركز تدريب جلف
6 - 6 - 2016, 01:02 PM
" مركز الخليج الاستراتيجى للتدريب GULFSTD "
#يــقـــــــدم_احــــدث_ال� �ــــــدورات_الـــتــدريــ ــبــيــة
من اجل تطوير مهاراتكم فى العمل,
مركزنا به أكبر مجموعة من الدورات التدريبية 2016 في مختلف المجالات والتخصصات لرفع كفاءة المتدرب..
ونرحب بجميع الهيئات الحكومية والمؤسسات الخاصة والافراد ونتمنى ان تنال عروضنا اعجابكم.

فى حال رغبتكم التسجيل في أحد البرامج التدريبية يسعدنا تواصلكم معنا :

منسقة التدريب: أ/ هاجر مسعود
رقم الهاتف (واتس اب & فايبر ): **201270136638
البريد الالكترونى: hagar@gulfstd.com
المنتدى: gulfstd.com
للتسجيل فى الدورات: اضغط هنا

نقدم لكم اهم الدورات التدريبية فى سوق العمل

(دورات project management ) لعام 2016:

Agreement on Technical barriers to Trade TBT
Management of Project risks
Basics of environmental design in buildings and projects
Strategic planning and financial management of projects using computer
Administrative, financial and technical aspects of the project management
Control over the implementation of the projects
Practical Guide to Project Management
Poll study and evaluation of the economic feasibility of projects
Ideal use of technology in raising the projects performance
Computers use in planning and following-up the projects
Use (Ms Project) software in Project Management
Contracting and arbitration in projects
Strategic planning and project management
Legal aspects of BOT contracts
Economic management of the projects
Financial analysis and evaluation of project performance
use the technology of public key infrastructure (PKI) in projects
Strategies of projects Feasibility studies
Attract funding for projects
Strategic planning and evaluation of projects
Integrated innovative Perspective of Project Management
Project management professional (PMP)
Analysis and assessment of industrial projects
Feasibility studies and evaluation of projects
projects economics and operations analysis
Professionalism in project and risk management
Ethics for Project Management
Planning and scheduling the projects using Primavera
Cash flow in projects
Applications of Multi-project management , pricing it, controlling the cost and budgeting
The quality of construction projects and dealing with contractors
Projects Feasibility studies using computer
Technical project management
Environmental considerations in designing and implementing the engineering projects
Innovation and distinction in project management profesional (Malaysian experience)
Advanced technologies in the Constructional management of Project
Specialization in project management, planning, scheduling and controlling of projects
Economic management of projects
Time management for projects using (PRIMAVIRA)service
Advanced management of contracts and projects
Modern Contractual techniques for project managers
Practical implementation of projects
Distinction and innovation in managing and developing the projects and measuring the economic feasibility
Planning and scheduling projects using Primavera
Integrated management of projects
Effective supervision over projects implementation
Common mistakes in managing and planning the projects
Economic feasibility study of projects using(Microsoft Project) program
Integrated Skills in planning, evaluating and managing the project
Poll study and evaluation of projects economic feasibility
Modern methods in monitoring the implementation of projects CNC
Modern methods in evaluating the industrial projects
Modern methods of project management: planning, scheduling and control
Malaysian experience in managing and implementing the projects
Construction projects quality and dealing with contractors
Use of computers in the planning and following-up projects
Using Ms Project software in Project Management
Quantitative methods used in the field of project management
Qualifying Program for PMP certification
Advanced Program in Project Management
Advanced project management
Methods of assessment and economic trade-offs for investment projects
Art of using value engineering approach in project management
Integrated Programme in Project Management
Integrated program of facilities maintenance
Leasing and feasibility studies of existing projects under the BOT system
Follow-up and implementation of interior design projects
Phases of project management
Monitoring and evaluation of development projects
Time management of projects using the service (PRIMAVIRA)

يمكن لمركزنا ان يعقد الدورات فى اكثر من 1** دولة عربية واجنبية : السعودية (جده – الرياض – الدمام) ، دبى ، نيويورك ،
جنيف ، عمان ، سنغافورة ، الدوحة ، تونس، ماليزيا ( كوالالمبور) ، المغرب (الدار البيضاء – الرباط ) ، تركيا (اسطنبول) ، لبنان ،
مصر (الاسكندرية – القاهرة – شرم ال***) ، فيينا ، باريس ، واشنطن ، لندن ، قطر، الاردن ، سويسرا ، اليونان ، روما ،..... وغيرها

ويسرنا أستقبال ترشيحاتكم لمنسوبيكم الكرام للتسجيل والأستفادة من دوراتنا التدريبية..

لمعرفة كافة التفاصيل عن الدورات وكافة المجالات التى يقدمها المركز يشرفنا تواصلكم معنا:
منسقة التدريب: أ/ هاجر مسعود
رقم الهاتف (واتس اب & فايبر ): **201270136638
البريد الالكترونى: hagar@gulfstd.com
للتسجيل فى الدورات:اضغط هنا
وتفضلو بقبول فائق الاحترام والتقدير..