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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ممكن مساعدة


9 - 5 - 2008, 06:21 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ارجو منكم مساعدتي في حل هذي السؤلين من القطعة
Should the motorists return the money? Write reasons why or why not.
Reasons Why the Motorists Should Return the Money
Reasons Why the Motorists Should Not Return the Money
هذي القطعة

luck or thievery?
COLUMBUS,OHIO. October 28 was a lucky day
for motorists driving along Interstate 71 at about
9:30 in the . as a truck from the
Metropolitan Armored Car Company sped down
the highway, its back door blew open, spilling bags
of money onto the road. When other vehicles hit
the bags, they split open, spewing out a million
It didn't take motorists long to realize that the
paper swirling around them was hard cash. They
stopped on and around the highway and scooped
up handfuls of money, gleefully cramming S20,
S50, S1**, even S1,**0 dollar bills into bags,
pockets, and purses. When the police arrived, they
estimated that two hundred people were helping
themselves to this bonanza.
Officials hoping to recover this money were
not so gleeful. Columbus Mayor Dana G. Rinehart
called these people thieves and said, "May they
have many sleepless nights." He claims the government
will prosecute anyone the police can find.
To encourage the return of the money,
Metropolitan Armored Car has offered a reward of 10%
of all the money they receive. So far, however, they
have received only S1**,**0-from about thirty
different people. One man turned in S57,**0.
Another man, however, called to say he was set for
life and was leaving town. since the cash was
insured and belonged to local banks, many people
can't see that they are hurting real people by keeping
Even if the government prosecutes, it will
have trouble convicting the thieves. "Probably
two-thirds of the jurors would think the defendant
should have kept the money," said prosecutor
Micheal Miller.