المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الفصول الاربعة


شوق البوادي
29 - 4 - 2008, 12:15 AM
الله يعافيكم ابغى موضوع عن الفصول الاربعة بحيث يكون اربع اجزاء كل فصل لوحده يعني الصيف لوحده والربيع لوحده وزي كذاومو لازم يكون طويل مرة وتسلمووووووون يالغلا

Ms Casualty
29 - 4 - 2008, 02:31 PM
يال&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;غلا بحثت ولا حص&#16**;&#16**;لت افضل من هالمقال:>>>> طبعا منقول من مجل&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;ة علمي&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;ة .....
Seasons of the Year

The Sidereal Year begins on the Winter Solstice (December 21 or 22). This is the beginning of Winter. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. The Sun rises south of due east and sets south of due west. The Sun is also at a low angle in the sky. Because the days are short and the sun is at a low angle it is cold during Winter. It rains a lot during Winter.

As the year progresses the days get longer and longer. Each day the Sun rises and sets slightly farther north than it did the day before. After one quarter of a year we reach the Spring Equinox (March 21) when the Sun rises due east (hence the term East-er) and sets due west. Day and night are of equal length. This is the beginning of Spring. The goodness of light and warmth struggles to conquer the badness of darkness and cold. Crops begin to grow.
As the year progresses further the days continue to get longer. Each day the Sun rises farther north of due east than it did the day before, and sets farther north of due west. At mid-year we reach the Summer Solstice (June 21) when the Sun rises farthest north of due east and sets farthest south of due west. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. Summer begins on the Summer Solstice. The Sun is high in the sky, giving lots of warmth and light. Crops continue to grow.

After the Summer Solstice the days begin to get shorter. Each day the Sun rises and sets slightly farther south than it did the day before. Crops grow well during the Summer quarter. Near the end of the Summer quarter is harvest time, the best time of the year. We harvest the crops and crush the grapes to make wine. The Sun has done it's job providing us with life-giving food .

Three-quarters through the year we reach the Autumn Equinox (Sept. 22) when the Sun again rises due east and sets due west. Day and night are again of equal length. This is the beginning of Autumn. The goodness of light and warmth begins to fail us. The badness of darkness begins to overcome the goodness of light.

During Autumn, the last quarter of the year, the Sun dies. The days get shorter and shorter, and it gets colder and colder. Each day the Sun rises and sets further south. Will the Sun disappear forever? .

1 - 5 - 2008, 03:43 AM

موضوعك جدا رائع ماشاء الله

ويعطيك الف عافيه اخوي علا جهودك



Ms Casualty
1 - 5 - 2008, 07:07 AM
الشك&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;ر لك يا ل&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;ودي على اطرائك&#16**;&#16**;

شوق البوادي
1 - 5 - 2008, 02:04 PM
الله يعطيك العافية أخوي
مجهود راااااااااااااااااااااااااائع
ربي لايحرمك الاجر

Ms Casualty
1 - 5 - 2008, 03:04 PM
امل ان اكون قد افدتك&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;
تقبلي تحي&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;&#16**;اتي

M's Casualty