المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : من فضلكم مساعدة فيما يخص مادة اللغة الإنجليزية أرجو الدخول


31 - 12 - 2007, 02:12 PM
أرجو منكم مساعدتي في كتابة تعيبير كتابي فيما يخص عيد الاضحى باللغة الإنجليزية

بحيث يكون كالتالي

المقدمة: تاريخ عيد الأضحى

العرض: جانب الإجتماعي لعيد الأضحى

الخاتمة: وصف عيد الأضحى

أرجو منكم مساعدة يا أيها التلاميذ والأستاذة الإخوة المحترمين

الله يحفضكم

أرجو منكم الر د عليا لا تقؤوا و تتركوني

وشكراااا لكم

31 - 12 - 2007, 09:35 PM
ااهلاا وسهلاا بيك اخوي كامل منووور المنتدى بوجدك وهذا طلبك
اولااا ..عيد الاضحى المبارك

is second in the series of Eid festivals that Muslims celebrate. It is also referred to as the "Big Bayram" (from Turkish) or "Big Feast". Eid ul-Adha is celebrated by Muslims all over the world as a tribute to those who are completing their pilgrimage in Mecca on that day.On this day Muslims sacrifice animals which have been deemed Halaal, or fit for sacrifice. They not only eat the meat themselves but distribute it amongst their neighbours, relatives and the poor and hungry.It is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja of the lunar Islamic calendar, after Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This happens to be 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan. While Eid ul-Fitr is considered to be one day, Eid ul-Adha is supposed to be four days, with the prayer being on the first day. Likewise, Eid ul-Fitr has the prayer on the first and only day. During this day, men, women, and children are expected to dress in their finest clothing.

The charitable instincts of the Muslim community are demonstrated during Eid ul-Adha by the concerted effort to see that no impoverished Muslim is left without sacrificial food during this day. Coming immediately after the Day of Arafat (when Prophet Muhammad pronounced the final seal on the religion of Islam), Eid ul-Adha gives concrete realisation to what the Muslim community ethic means in practice.
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ثانيااا ..قصة سيدنا ابراهيم عليه السلام و أبنه

Prophet Ibrahim confronted Isma'il with a repeated dream he had. Isma'il was nine at the time. They both decided that the dream meant that Allah was asking Ibrahim to sacrifice Isma'il. Isma'il having such strong faith in Allah said that if this was Allah's will then they must not obey. Isma'il and his father traveled to Mina to perform their sacrifice. Ibrahim laid Isma'il down on the ground, with his arms and legs tied. He crouched over his son. Sorrow filled his heart. He placed the knife at the throat of Isma'il. As soon as he did this the angel Jibril appeared and told him that Allah was pleased at the depth of their devotion. They we're willing to make this ultimate sacrifice to please him. A lamb appeared to be sacrificed in the place of Isma'il. Jibril also announced the birth of Ishaq, to Sarah. Sarah was in her olden age by then and Ibrahim had turned Ninety-nine
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ثالثااا ..فعاليات العيد ووقت صلاة العيد..

Eid ul Adha10 Dhul-Hijja
The celebrations of the Greater Bairam start with the performance of an Eid Prayer the dawn of the first day from the feast that continues Four days .

Eid-ul-Adha celebrates the occasion when Allah appeared to Ibrahim in a dream and asked him to sacrifice his son Isma'il as an act of obedience to God. The devil tempted Ibrahim by saying he should disobey Allah and spare his son. As Ibrahim was about to kill his son, Allah intervened: instead Allah provided a lamb as the sacrifice. This is why today all over the world Muslims who have the means to, sacrifice a sheep (alternatively a goat or cow can be used), as a reminder of Ibrahim's obedience to Allah. They usually share out the meat with family and friends, as well as the poorer members of the community. In Britain, the animal has to be killed at a slaughterhouse.

Eid-ul-Adha is a 1-3 day celebration and in Muslim countries is a public holiday. It starts with Muslims going to the Mosque for prayers, dressed in their best clothes, and thanking Allah for all the blessings they have received. It is also a time when they visit family and friends as well as offering presents. At Eid it is obligatory to give a set amount of money to charity to be used to help poor people buy new clothes and food so they too can celebrate.

And some of the Muslims see in the feast day calculation day of the soul where it is the year period
The last is the evaluation axis and as if the Muslim by the advent of the feast has crossed a year and opening
. Other and new . The feast days are marked by the prayers and the Remembrance of Allah, and the joy, and the grant, and the sympathy with the poor And the cities and the Islamic villages are decorated by a new garment as that the children wear new garments and the sweet and the fruits increase in the Muslims house As for the grown-ups, they carry out the visit of their relatives Wmaedthn, also the Muslim carries out the visit of the relatives And the family is a connection of the kinship and a support by the feast

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