المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجوكم ساعدوني


طالبة ولكن!
27 - 10 - 2007, 03:18 PM
يااعزائي ابغى اطلب منكم مساعدة ولاول مرة
ارجوكم ابغى مقالEssayعن الهوايات Hobby
محتاره شو اكتب لان المعلمة فاتحة لنا المجال وماحددت شي معين
بليز ساعدوني وادعيلكم

طالبة ولكن!
27 - 10 - 2007, 03:24 PM
ارجوكم بكرى علي الموضوع

نغـم الـورد
27 - 10 - 2007, 03:56 PM
أختي ادخلي على قوقل

و اكتبي essay و بيطلع لك ملايين الملايين من المقالات ..

وفقك الله..

نغـم الـورد
27 - 10 - 2007, 04:01 PM

أحد مواقع المقالات المجانية و المدفوعة

'' ******* is an inexhaustible treasure"
is a proverb that people read and say but very few of them realize that ******* is happiness itself . One goes wandering about searching for happiness but one will not find it although it is within reach. It is ******* that gives happiness . Said Socrates :"******* is a natural wealth whereas luxury is artifical poverty"" . The truth is that it is a great blessing to posses what we wish , but it is a greater blessing not to wish what we do not possess. ******* is a great jewel that one must obtain at the expense of thousands of wishes . If one does so , then one is wise and happy . In this regard ,one should learn to be ******* with everything : one should be ******* with wealth in so far as it makes one helpful to others ;to be ******* ith one s achievement in so far as they make one usefulto the community and to be ******* with fame in so far as it makes one s name pleasing to the ears of others.

No doubt acceptance of Allah s will is the cure that we should use in hard times . One must accept what happens because Allah chooses best. Needless to say that one must try to improve oneself , which gives a chance for a large scale progress. ******* in this sense does not lie in caeasing to gain knowledge or stopping work or ceasing to improve one s circumstances. This would mean changing into a mummy . Probably turing into a mummy is the worst act one might practise . How often we see in streets mummies rushing to kill time .

It would be convenient to mention the story of a sage who never complained but once in his life time when he was barefoot and could not afford to buy a pair of shoes.However , he met a footless man later , which made him satisfied . Then accepting Allah s will is the crown tht one can wear with pride . One the other hand , we should point out that to be satisfied with people , we should bear a lot . Perfect people have their own imperfections and we are not faultless.

نقلا من كتاب موسوعة التعبير و الترجمة
الكلمة اللي في مكان النجوم كونتنت و معناها القناعة دوريها من القاموس و اكتبيها

منق&#16**;&#16**;ووول للإفاادة

طالبة ولكن!
27 - 10 - 2007, 04:11 PM
مشكورة وربي يوفقك

نغـم الـورد
12 - 11 - 2007, 04:21 AM
وي&#16**;وفقك بع&#16**;د يالغ&#16**;لا
ش&#16**;دي حيل&#16**;ك ..