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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : your name in English has a meaning


أسير الصمت
12 - 5 - 2006, 04:51 PM
..₪..Hi 2 All ..₪..

اجمع حروف اسمك ,,
و شف وش بيطلع معناهـ ,,

A * You love to make people laugh

B * You have trouble trusting people

C * You're crazy in a good way

D * You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people

E * You are popular with all types of people

F * People totally adore you

G * You are very friendly and undestanding

H * You have very good personality and looks

I * Love is something you deeply believe in

J * Everyone loves you

K * You like to try new things

L * You always make other people smile when you smile

M * Success comes easily to you

N * Your awesome

O * You love foreplay

P * you're very Cute

Q * You are a hypocrite

R * You're loving and understanding

S * People think you are so hansom

T * You are one of the best in making mistakes

U * You are really chill

V * You are not judgemental

W * You are very broad minded

X *You never let people tell you what to do

Y * You always make every experience Great

Z * You're super cool


اريج البنفسج
12 - 5 - 2006, 05:14 PM
موضوع طريف استاذي أسير
طلع معنى اسمي حلو
كويس اني ما غيرته :D
You love to make people laugh
Success comes easily to you
Love is something you deeply believe in

أسير الصمت
12 - 5 - 2006, 10:19 PM
يا هلا بالأريج..

شكرا لمرورك..

و الحمد لله ان الموضوع نال اعجابكـ ..


12 - 5 - 2006, 10:25 PM
موضوع اكثر من رائع

وانا برضه طلع اسمي في منتهى الروعة

دمت بخير وعافية

(( كبرياء مجروحه ))
14 - 5 - 2006, 11:03 PM
thanks dear aser

my name‘s meaning is very nice

عاشق الاسلام
18 - 5 - 2006, 10:32 PM
جزاك الله خيرا ً

عيون الكون
24 - 5 - 2006, 07:25 PM

أسير الصمت
25 - 5 - 2006, 08:45 PM
يا هلا و مرحبا بالجميع..

You are welcome

11 - 6 - 2006, 09:03 PM
thank you

my name means bad things

but its all right i dont trust these things

11 - 6 - 2006, 11:28 PM
S * People think you are so hansom

A * You love to make people laugh

L * You always make other people smile when you smile

E * You are popular with all types of people

H * You have very good personality and looks

باغية الفردوس
13 - 6 - 2006, 02:04 AM
S * People think you are so hansom

A * You love to make people laugh

R * You're loving and understanding

A * You love to make people laugh

H * You have very good personality and looks



شووووووووووووووكرن اسرسر
